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(Prototype shown. Panel will change a bit and look nicer!)
4x4 2D scanning matrix mixer with axis-independent scan modes, slopes and automative features.
This module is a mutant future cousin to the Mixiplexer we made back in 2012, And adds a ton of things I had wanted to add way back when.
Select and animate input and output mixes for movement, reveals, spatialization and syncopative rhythms…Sequence mixes and effects.. add space and time to feedback work.. Syncopate swells and panning with a clock source.. the list goes on..
X and Y select active cross-points, or channels, in the matrix-
Dot mode is exclusive, and scan position centroid is mapped to corresponding channel according to slider position and input CV.
Bar mode opens all channels in selected row or column sequentially, according to slider and CV.
Scroll Mode invokes internal “through zero” LFOs that scan the matrix continuously and seamlessly in any direction, at a rate set by the Sliders and CV.
Shape knob and CV adjust the crossfade slope between channels, anywhere from hard switching to smooth linear crossfades , extending to gating multiple channels simultaneously.
The Clock input allows each mode to be sync’d with an external clock, synchronizing movement in the Matrixplexer with perhaps other timing elements in a patch.
There are 4 DC coupled inputs and 4 output mixes with mute switches. Low noise linear VCAs handle the audio, post input attenuators.
Row and Mix CVs add to X and Y scan CVs and will gate respective channels.
Digital expansion is possible via rear header.
Knobless trimmer or knobbed version will be available.
- 24HP
- @ +/-12V
- 0mA 5V
- 30 mm deep